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| Quantum Computer – Q.Encryption – Q.ErrorCorrection |

Quantum Information Realm 

Description of Quantum Computer
|| Introduction into the Qubit processing abilities and quantum error correction protocols of a quantum computer
The Advanced processing efficiency and software compatibility of a Quantum Computer has obtained the awe of many physicist and programmers for years since the introduction of Conjugate Coding by physicist Stephen Weisner in the 1970's that acts as an essential structure of the model matrices of the "Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS") and "Low Density Parity Check code" (LPDC) Quantum stabilizer coding that prevents decoherence that were to come from the super-positional  properties of the subatomic particles (Electrons/protons) inside of the stream of qubits becomes polarized inside of a confining magnetic Hyperfine structure (H= ub/Bo2 "electron" Gn/Un/Bo2 "nucleus" + Ao e/ 0 n "  interaction with hyperfine structure")   through entanglement of the particle's nucleus structure during a particle spin that were come from an electric quadrupole charge based from the symmetry of the particles dipole movement around the encompassing axis of the electric charge distribution of the nucleus's ellipsoid inside of the confining hyperfine structure utilizing the principals of the Bose-Eisenstein condensate of the spherical harmonic functions of the polar coordinates of the homeomorphic structure of the Qubit's bloch sphere that were to come from quantum noise (or Rabi Flopping that were to eliminate any atomic coherence) that occurs when a electron particle fluctuates at an optical frequency creating a spontaneous emission and collapse of the electron particle's eigenfunction within the Qubit inside of the structure of a Quantum Gate  ( a singular qubit or classical gate NOT-gate  {0}+B{1}/ a {1} + B {0} the Hadamard gate acts a medium to either polarize or to split the steam information between the position of the qubits pure state and mixed state based from unity matrices between the qubits superposition of a right circular and traverse (left to right ) polarized photons encoding 0 and 1  "pure state"( H{0}=1/2 (l 0} + l 1}) "mixed state" ( H{1}=1/2 (l0}-l 1}) )  the stream of the encoded information is transmitted by "alice and received by "bob" both "alice and bob" act as unitary operators  as well as provide orthogonal measurements of the Qubits eigenvalues and the rotational axis of the Qubit's particle spin within the density matrix  of the Qubit's blochsphere (following the assembly of the qubits being in a pure state when being transmitted by alice being "{0} + {1}/2 using the rotation formula of "Ry/-π2 amongst the X,Y and Z polar coordinates, when being received into a mixed state by bob) during the “Einstein- Podolsky- rosen” photon entanglement process between bob and alice using "Eve" as a quantum channel when transferring the encoded qubits that is generated into a lambda/2 or lambda/4  code that  projects the bosons and fermion pairs into a symmetrical bell state when the fermions and bosons become entangled amongst the transmission wavelength to modularly exponentiation (example of the computation of modular exponentiation when using the multiple of 40 in a left to right binary program would be 5/41 mod 9= {4547474735088646111895751953125} mod 9 and when calculating the algorithm into a right to left binary it would use the modulation multiple of 60 such as the calculation of the 3/61 being 3/61 mod 8 ={12717347825648619542883299603})  the bell pairs into a RSA inverse algorithm using the Euclidean algorithm (used within GCD programming) and  coprime integers  between bob and alice. The fermions and the bosons would have to tunnel through the hadamard gate  while "eve" acts as a QKG system (Quantum Key Generator that was purposed in 1984  by Charles Henry Bennett and Giles Brassard that is utilized within the BB84 ,BB92 and Ekert91 cryptographic protocols that uses the properties of the  Von Neumann measurement of the Pi and Qi stacks in unitary dynamics inside of the eigenvalue of the encoded Qubit) specifically if eve were to intercept  the QKG stream of data that is being transferred between the public channel of Bob and alice, Eve would have to be able to calculate the integer factorization of the transferring algorithm of the original qubit which the principals of the No-Cloning theorem (purposed in 1982 by William Wootters, Wojciech Hubert Zurek and Dennis Dieks) and Quantum non-locality of a particle can teleport based from the isomorphic structure of its unitary transformation inside of the ERP pair of particles within the  lambda/4 coding structure enter into a ERP single state based from the encoded particle's density matrix being reduced by P= {Coa}2 {0}{0} + {C1b}2{1} {1} that is encoded by Bob before the particle is transferred into a mixed quantum state when the particle approaches the "SWAP" gate that would were to be constructed from a series of  photonic "NOT" gates using quantum tunneling and the quantum dot as a  vector point between the particle teleportation when being transmitted to alice.

Another pioneer within quantum encryption and modular exponentiation would be the physicist of the Architecture of the "Shor Algorithm" for integer factorization  the computer scientist and mathematics professor of the Massachusetts institute of technology Peter Wilson Shor that is used within 300 qubit quantum simulation and the D-wave quantum computing system “Orion” that is used within an adiabatic 16 qubit superconducting quantum processor amongst the quasi-loops inside of its  micro-circuitry similar to the architecture of a node graph inside of a  7 qubit Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Quantum Computer that uses the hamlitonian matrix to calculate the thermal equilibrium of  the particle's nuclei during a half spin inside of the  qubit's density matrix during the  molecular tumbling of the particle's isotope when the particle spin rate is split in half and divides  the bit pairs using the  principals of quantum control and zeeman splitting  (zeeman effect developed by physicist Pieter Zeeman in 1902 showcasing the studies of particle splitting with the particle's dipole movement inside of a plasma or electromagnetic field inside of a spectral line during a angular moment of the axis rotation of the nucleus inside of a particle when the particle is in a quantum state) . The processing recognitive functionalities of a quantum computer also had root within the work of physicist Richard Feynman with his studies on quantum electrodynamics and quark theory with its adjudication of quantum computing using the microstructure of Ion strings and how the encoded ions can reach a superposition based from the interaction of the atoms and protons generated by the attraction of the electron repulsion inside of a quantum logic gate that traps the atoms and acts as qubit quantum memory processor. the exponentional  value of the trapped N-ions such as the variable calculation of 2N (2^5= 32  2^ 10=1034  2^50= 1,125,899,906,842, 624 2^100= 1,267,650,600,228,229,401, 496,703,205,376) which trapped ions inside of a qubit can become encoded as a photon based from the quantization properties of a liner optic transformation using the Hamilton matrix (e/uc^+ d-cd+ l 1 }a l 0 }b l 1}c l 0}d =e^-tan ucd+ {cos u^a}c^+c-d^+d /e^tan uc^+d  l 1} a l 0}b l 1} c l 1} d =cos u^ a  l 1} a l 0 }b l 1} c l 0}= -l 1} a l 0} b l 0} c l 1 } d  hat is brought by polarization rotors and phase shifting between  the orthogonal A and B acts as polarization nodes for the controlled Qubit when  defining the Cross-Kerr effect formula  inside of the Hamilton matrix using  (H^Ckeer= ╥   /2  a^ + a (c^+d -cd+) ) and C and D act as annihilation operators inside of the hadamard and NOT gates that acts a harmonic oscillator within processing image and pattern recognition into an algorithm  using quantum parallelism to process the unit cells and pixilation for example a 8 x 8  black and white square with an 32 X 20 array using photons to process the absorptive and reflective parallel line geometry within binary optimization.
Superconducting electrons in a cryogenic environment, Josephson Junctions the processing capacity of a silicon chip and software of a quantum computer, The conventional  nano-photonic structure of a silicon chip that is used within quantum/micro processing, plasmonics and quantum key distribution by using photonic qubits as informational carriers for both photon-pair manipulation and entanglement using a "SOI" Silicon-on-Insulator material amongst the bulk of the  Si-Mosfet (Silicon Metal Oxidate semiconductor  field effect transistor) that acts as a wave guide when transmitting terahertz microwave signals to the chips connectors while having the qubit retrain it's quantum state when transferring to each nano-photonic connecter within a span of 100 microseconds amongst the chip's micro-ring's (containing about 5 -um radius and 400psi in measurement) photon detectors that absorbs the photons that are being transferred between the LC and RLC circuits using an electrical harmonic variable compactor to modulate the optical communication of quantum information between the LC and RLC circuits using ▲n=-00.1 as the index change among the photon absorption changes of the pump pluses around micro-ring through the probe input and output signals within the chip's micro-ring's nanocavities ▲n^NL= 21pump/▲a^NL=BTPA^nlpump. but of course the silicon chip has been surpassed by Niobium chips and the 28/128/512 adiabatic qubit chips that operates at a high efficiency with transmitting data faster than the silicon chop without draining the computers reserves where the Niobium chip operates within a speed of 6GHZ and consist of 1600 Josephson junctions and transmits up to 60 billion gigabits per second while the circuitry acts as a superconducting microprocessor

The Josephson effect or the Joseph junction was originally developed by Brain David Josephson in 1962 with converting a current of electrons inside of a non-conducting layers of metal and alloy  between two thin layer superconducting ceramic materials with no additional voltage added to the layers while the non-conducting layers can cooled around 20 degrees kelvin/nanokelvin or around the absolute zero mark to have the metal reach a  macroscopic phase transition once it reaches a critical temperature (using a  phase gradient to describe the phase transition of the electron  j= N8e /2m^ φ using N as the number of electrons ) causing a repulsion effect with the electron particle's, causing the electron's to interact with the ionic lattice compounds of the cooled metal after the crystal structure of the lattice compound receives a positive charge when the electron are in low energy state creating a energy gap between the temporal oscillations of the electron's particle phase transition to cause the electrons to tunnel through superconducting material that used when creating Magnetic flux/rapid single flux quantum effects within quantum chips and "SQUID" Magnetometers to determine the equilibrium of the particle's thermal fluctuations within the material to detect miniature magnetic fields when the metal is an a meta-stable state due to the cryogenic temperatures that is used within the Qubit gigahertz processing capacity of a quantum chip when a sending a probe microwave signal that is used unitary quantum-lattice based algorithms and cryptography to simulate a Bose-Einstein condensate with the encodes qubits from the chip. that was originally developed in 1996 when showing the usage of lattice based mathematical compounds to encoded algorithms and homeomorphic encryptions

The Architecture of the Quantum Computing software and applications that is used to help run simulation protocols and processing speed that is used to solve prime factorization using exponential parallelism and matrix multiplication when calculating the swap aptitudes of unitary matrices of the qubits inside of the algorithm while  being processed when creating a spectral decomposition into a diagonalizable matrix with using the quantum dot as an anchoring entanglement point for the qubit's eigenvalues using the Cosine-Sine and Cayley-Hamilton decomposition theorem when the Bell pair goes into a phase shift inside of isomorphism of Two Qubit’s matrice structure with exponentiating the qubits into digits. but normally if there is a complicated decomposition for a computer to compute into an encoding algorithm it would be incapable of doing so. Which many of the programming inside of the software uses the principals of the Dirac notation for modularizing the source program using syntax, lexical and semantic analysis  to tokenize the algorithm strings which the data reaches the QCC (Quantum Computer Compiler) for the code generating process for error correction.
Quantum Computing compatibles to human neurobiology and cell structure.
The Relations between the quantum computer, the neurological processing abilities and the cytoarchitectural structure of the human brain has been synonymous for research and development with duplicating that functionality into cybernetics and robotics. The informational processing of the stimulus of thought can range to around 300 to 500 milliseconds based from neuron communication using the dorsal ("where?"system) and ventral ("what?" system)  pathways between the sub-cortical, inferior temporal cortex and neocortex areas such as the singulate gyrus, isthmus, and thalamus that are beneath of the corpus callosum of the pre frontal sections of the cerebral cortex with ranging neuroactivity of 50-100 ms with processing the environmental surrounding such as the phonon particles of  coloration and light refraction though the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the corpus callousm's brodmann areas  that manages the melatonin levels and the Circadain rhythm of the brain's time perception during its active and sleeping phases with the superachiasmastic nucleus processes about 20,000 neurons for image processing. But the conundrum is how can a human brain exhibit any microscopic quantum behavioral patterns and how is the brain similar to a quantum computer's atomic structure? The brain holds similarities of experiencing a biological like decoherence within the higher brain’s functionalities depending on the thermal temperatures of the tissue structure(that were to exceed the temperatures -300 kelvin inside of the brain's Microtubule  that manages the centrosomes and basal bodies that is consisted of motor proteins such as kinsein and dynein within the microtubule's substructure)of the mid-brain that acts as its own respective satellite when housing the brain's consciousness and other sensory functions that each section. And another similarity can be noted about how the brain shares it's simulates with nerve impulses inside of the Microtubles though the membranes proteins of the co-enzyme" Adenosine-5 triphosphate " (ATP) that act as a light harvesting protein Carotenoids and transfers electrons and other pigmentation absorbed by light particles using a singlet exciton energy transfer to the phototropic bacteria "Bacteriochlorophyll" that is studied by Quantum DNA simulation and DNA computation with calculating the particles kinect velocity inside of the mutli- component protein pigment assemblies inside of the bacteria using Visual Molecular Dynamics "VMD" programs to run simulations of the enzyme's helix strand structures to how a quantum computer would process the qubits that oscillates at similar wavelengths to neural spike patterns, which makes the microtubles a network of quantum computation between the Chla (Chlamydomonas-reinhardtii ) and flagella pathways inside of the Adenonsine-5 triphosphate structure of the microtubules

Another development within quantum computing is the development of a headband that consist intracranial  nanowires to harness the neurological processing abilities of the brain into a biological computing interface/Brain computer interface or "BCI" that consist of an microthread electrospun carbon based fiber, the headband's electrodes magnetizes and entangles the electron particles inside glucose content of the cerebro-spinal fluid and the microglia cells near the spinal cord and brain tissue with using the brain's axon speed as the processing source of the headband that were to come from the dielectric properties of the myelin inside of the axon structure of the white matter of the brain. With this headband it becomes possible for the brain to interact with other users of this headband or other technological appliances or even to operate prosthetic limbs, with using the 64X64 glucose fuel cells as a superconducting material

-           To be continue…

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